A nationwide effort to realize the promise of quantum
The Quantum Collaborative at Arizona State University unites top scientific, academic, and research institutions with industry leaders to advance quantum information science and technology, drive research innovation and develop a skilled quantum workforce.
By connecting partners and programs nationwide, the Quantum Collaborative pioneers new frontiers of discovery while meeting the global demand for diverse quantum professionals.
institutions and
industry partners
global public
investments in quantum
potential economic
impact by 2040
Our groundbreaking research spans six high-priority areas:
Quantum Networking
and Com-munications
Quantum Sensing and Metrology
Quantum Computing
Quantum Simulation
Quantum Cybersecurity
Quantum Policy, Governance, Standards and Societal Dimensions
Partner with Quantum Collaborative
We offer various partnership opportunities to contribute to and benefit from our initiatives. Core partners collaborate closely on developing and implementing solutions. Implementation partners work with us to design and refine cutting-edge solutions. Collaborative partners engage in discussions on QIST trends, policy, funding, and other aligned programs. Together, we drive innovation and progress in quantum information science and technology.
Four key sectors
Our partnerships span four specialized areas to drive comprehensive advancements in quantum technology.
National Laboratories
Current partners

Oak Ridge National Laboratory provides experience in the area of scientific applications to deliver scientific discoveries and technical breakthroughs needed to realize solutions in energy and national security and provide economic benefit to the nation. Their partnerships with other US Department of Energy laboratories and programs, universities, and industry to pair their strengths with others for outstanding contributions to science.

Sandia National Laboratories’ Quantum Information Program targets advances in the understanding and mastery of quantum systems for enabling the manipulation of information with greater sensitivity, speed, and security than is possible with classical information processing methods.

Cisco’s Quantum Lab is developing the next frontier in networking and cybersecurity enabled by quantum engineering, and conducting research on the foundations of quantum cryptography and the quantum internet.

Cox seeks to accelerate new ideas in the field of quantum computing, working with the Quantum Collaborative to deliver on the promise of human-centered, smart solutions for our communities.

CR8DL an artificial intelligence and cloud computing company, is interested in quantum simulator optimization and quantum combined with high-performance computing.

Dell Technologies will contribute to the Quantum Collaborative’s work to develop solutions in the quantum field by supporting the integration of quantum technologies with traditional computing.

EY, an IBM Quantum Network member, explores solutions that could help resolve some of today’s most complex business challenges through their Global Quantum Lab, whose mission is to harness quantum value in trust, transformation, and sustainability.

Google Quantum AI will guide the curriculum and workforce development of the ASU Quantum Collaborative through hands-on resources such as its open-source quantum programming framework called Cirq and the Quantum Virtual Machine

IBM announced a leap forward in quantum computing performance, scale, and adoption. Discover the latest software and hardware breakthroughs that are now putting quantum advantage within reach.

Quantinuum a combination of Honeywell Quantum Solutions and Cambridge Quantum, is an integrated quantum computing company that has released next generation quantum products, including trapped-ion quantum computers, quantum computing enhanced cybersecurity and quantum computational chemistry software.

SandboxAQ is developing business applications that combine the power of AI and quantum technology — dubbed AQ.

Zayo plays a significant role in advancing quantum technology through its extensive network infrastructure and strategic initiatives. Zayo’s improvements in high-capacity, low-latency networks are crucial for supporting the high bandwidth demands of quantum communications.

Purdue University with its Rosen Center for Advanced Computing and the Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute, pairs high-performance computing with quantum expertise and broad regional integration.

Tecnológico de Monterrey is the top private university in Mexico and a longstanding ASU partner, brings broad STEM expertise and machine learning prowess.

The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) is poised to bring its long-standing experience in cybersecurity, and AI and data science expertise to deal with the challenges that quantum presents to protect data and infrastructure. This includes its broad network of partners in their School of Data Science and university research institutes focused on AI and cloud/edge computing.

University of Wyoming will cultivate exploration and work in areas such as quantum algorithms, quantum materials, quantum workforce programs, quantum academic programs and community college engagement.

Virginia Tech contributes expertise in quantum information science, producing research in key areas including quantum computing, simulation, networking, and cryptography and pioneering educational programs, facilitated by its Center for Quantum Information Science and Engineering.

Qubit by Qubit is helping to equip current and future generations of diverse students with the skills to succeed in the rapidly growing quantum workforce.

¡Mira! SparCQS (Sparking Curiosity in Quantum Science) brings quantum science experiences to schools and communities through meaningful outreach and engaging students with “hands-on” demonstrations, experiments, and raising awareness of exciting career opportunities in STEM.
Benefits of engagement
Access advanced capability
Stay on the cutting edge
Strengthen proposals
Shape the future of the quantum industry
Partner voices
There are so many different roles and opportunities within the realm of quantum. It’s not just building the quantum systems or understanding the physics behind these quantum systems and how to scale those. Over time, a ton of jobs are going to need to be created, and the workforce really needs to be catalyzed in order to take full advantage of quantum.
In my experience, building collaborations and brainstorming always work better through face-to-face meetings. UTSA was delighted to host [the 2023 Quantum Collaborative Summit] and thrilled to participate in the birth of new collaborations and ideas that will bear fruit in the years ahead.