Quantum Policy, Governance, Standards and Societal Dimension

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Quantum Policy, Law, Standards and Social Effects

As quantum technologies develop and mature, their success will depend critically on navigating an increasingly complex societal, governance, and policy landscape. Here, the quantum consortium is drawing on expertise from across diverse disciplines and sectors to develop the understanding, tools and pathways necessary to enable societally and economically impactful quantum technologies.

Steering committee

Andrew Maynard

Professor, School for the Future of Innovation in Society, Arizona State University

Expertise: Nanoscience, Emerging Technologies, Materials Science, Science Policy, Technology and Society

Sean Dudley

Chief Research Information Officer & Associate Vice President, Knowledge Enterprise, Arizona State University

Expertise: Advanced Infrastructure, Emerging Technologies, Engagement with Underserved Communities, Technology and Society

Arthur Daemmrich

Director, Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes, Arizona State University

Expertise: Policy Implementation, History of Science and Technology, Arizona State University

Torey Battelle

Associate Director, Research Technology Office, Arizona State University

Expertise: Quantum Information Theory, Condensed Matter Physics, High-Performance Computing

Acknowledgment Statement for the Quantum Collaborative

Publications/proposals/projects/research using resources provided by the Quantum Collaborative are requested to include the following acknowledgment statement: 

The Quantum Collaborative, led by Arizona State University, provided valuable expertise and resources for this (research/proposal/publication/project). The Quantum Collaborative connects top scientific programs, initiatives, and facilities with prominent industry partners to advance the science and engineering of quantum information science.

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