News and events

Learn about the latest developments from the Quantum Collaborative.


Sean Dudley at IBM Quantum Partner Forum

Advancing quantum technology is a collaborative effort. That’s why last week, our very own @Sean Dudley chatted with @HolgerMüller at the IBM Quantum Partner Forum about our work with @IBMQuantum. 

Houlong Zhuang paper in Materials Today

Our advisory board member Houlong Zhuang was featured in the recent issue of Materials Today! Zhuang’s research at Arizona State University explored quantum machine learning to help discover new high-entropy alloys – artistically rendered on the cover of the publication. We use these alloys, or metals made of multiple elements, for their special properties such as strength, heat resistance and corrosion resistance. Zhuang’s research could help researchers discover new types of alloys faster with quantum machine learning.

Arizona Quantum Initiative (AQuI) Inaugural Workshop

Join us for the kickoff of the Arizona Quantum Initiative (AQuI). The AQuI Inaugural Workshop will be held on the University of Arizona campus in Tucson, Arizona. It will feature leading experts in the field of quantum networking; sensing and imaging; communications and networks; materials, devices and systems; and regulatory compliance to discuss recent research findings from the University of Arizona. Guests will include speakers from around the country in the field. We hope you can join us!

The event will be held on April 12-14, 2023

IEEE Quantum Week 2023

Come join us as we attend the IEEE Quantum Week 2003. This event brings a perspective to the quantum industry different from academic or business conferences. IEEE Quantum Week is a multidisciplinary quantum computing and engineering venue that gives attendees the unique opportunity to discuss challenges and opportunities with quantum researchers, scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, developers, students, practitioners, educators, programmers, and newcomers.

The event will be held on September 17, 2023

Catch the Quantum Seminar Series – Now on YouTube

In partnership with Quantum Collaborative, ASU Knowledge Enterprise has launched a Quantum Technology playlist on their YouTube channel to provide the latest updates and insights to our research community.

When quantum computing meets alloy design

Although research alloy design and artificial intelligence has been ongoing for decades, Houlong Zhuang is now combining the two fields to forge a new path forward for materials scientists.

Quantinuum Sets Industry Record for Hardware Performance with New Quantum Volume Milestone

Quantinuum, announced its H1 generation quantum processors set two performance records. The achievements represent a high-water mark for the quantum computing industry, based on the widely recognized QV benchmark, originally developed by IBM to reflect a quantum computer’s general capability.

New quantum sensing technique reveals magnetic connections

The ability to distinguish between standalone and correlated environments at the atomic scale could have enormous impacts in medicine, navigation and discovery science.

Satellites may enable better quantum networks

A study by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and University of Illinois researchers has demonstrated how satellites could enable more efficient, secure quantum networks.

Joseph Lukens, head of ASU’s new Quantum Networking Lab, breaks down the science and potential behind a growing field

Through a series of new initiatives, ASU is signaling its commitment to advancing quantum information science and technology, or QIST, on a national stage.

ASU Launches New Quantum Collaborative

Arizona State University has launched the Quantum Collaborative, a major 21st-century initiative poised to profoundly impact society and the American economy with new discoveries and applications in advanced quantum technology.

Three Indiana research universities to collaborate with industry and government to develop quantum technologies in new NSF-funded center

Quantum science and engineering can help save energy, speed up computation, enhance national security and defense and innovate health care. With a grant from the National Science Foundation, researchers from Purdue University, Indiana University and the University of Notre Dame will work to develop industry- and government-relevant quantum technologies as part of the Center for Quantum Technologies. Purdue will serve as the lead site. IUPUI, a joint campus of Purdue and Indiana universities in Indianapolis, will also contribute.